

Established as an Anglo Vernacular School in year 1887 by Kayastha Community of Jodhpur. Land was donated by late Munshi Shubh Lalji, a philanthropist who envisioned the need of education for overall development of Kayastha Community as also for the society at large.

In year 1890, gained the status of Middle School adding two new Hindi Pathshalas six years later. The School was run on grants by State and some private donations.
Ever since its inception the school has retained a secular character imparting education to all sections of society irrespective of caste/ sub caste etc.
Many of Students belonging to different castes like Brahmins, Muslims, Kayastha, Rajputs and other backward castes/sections/classes passing out from the school significantly contributed to National struggle for freedom and also made illustrious careers in public life.

Names like Late Nathuram Mirdha, Late Ramniwas Mirdha, Late Barkatullah Khan (also Ex CM of Rajasthan) and many others are held in high esteem for their Sir Pratap Singh Ji Munshi Shubhlal ji Benevolent Ruler active role in freedom struggle.

Pioneer & Philanthropist Lots of more alumni have brought laurels to Pratap School. Shri Ashok Mathur an alumnus of “Sir Pratap School” is an eminent jurist of national & international repute a matter of great pride for school. He was Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal and subsequently made it to Hon’able justice of Supreme Court. Post retirement, Government of India harnessed his services in refurbishing judicial system for defense forces. He shot into public prominence as chairman of 7th pay commission, a highly prestigious and trusted assignment demanding high degree of financial & economic prudence. He headed many enquiry commission appointed by Govt. of India. Further to the list of Alumni are – Late PPS Mathur – 1st Director Rajasthan Ayurvedic College. Mr. Kuldeep Ranka – Senior IAS officer. Mr. Rajendra Gehlot – Former State minister and JDA Head & many more in the list others with illustrious carriers
Pratap School has a chequered journey facing financial constraints at different periods of time due to stoppage of Government grant and private financial support. Each time members of Kayastha Community generously contributed individually and collectively to save the situation.

In year 1919, Dalpat memorial Science Block’ was inaugurated in the royal presence of ‘Sir Pratap Singh Ji’ who was pleased with performance of school and granted Rupees 5000 towards welfare of students and extension of school building in view of increasing students’ strength. The School was named after Regent ‘Sir Pratap Singh Ji’in his honour recognizing his patronizing support.

In year 1920, it was recognized as ‘High School by Allahabad University thus holding the pride and honour of being only and first private High School in Marwar.

A few affluent and generous people of Kayastha Community had added more glory to the history by organizing two magnificent events in the honour of Yuvraj Sumer Singh Ji, first on his birth and second on his succession to royal throne in March 1916. Both events were organized on large scale in the premises of school building lending a golden page to the history of School. The Royal family was much pleased with hospitality and exuberance of Kayasthas. Sir Pratap Singh Ji praised efficient functioning of school and its quality standard and gave an inspiring speech which was published in Marwar Gazette on 18 March 1916. Names of organizers were Shri Mukund Ji and Shri Chatturbhuj Ji. Shri Mukund Ji also donated land for garden.

New School building was constructed and gifted by Mr. Vijay Karan in memory of his father late Munshi Indramal di in year 1938. Likewise many names appear in the history belonging to Kayastha as also from other well as other community who also contributed for survival of the school.

With efflux of time ‘Kayastha Samaj Management’ was established to ensure proper functioning of School.
Subsequencly a separate body ‘Nav Shiksha Samaj’ was created in year 1956-57 to look after academic activities of Sir Pratap School’. ‘Sir Pratap Vidhi Mahavidyalya’ is its latest achievement- a brilliant intellectual assets indeed.